




# 广电& 视听& 电影 # 跨业务领域类客户宣传投放首选平台

# 业内最早的专业媒体之一 #  1995年即植根中国广电市场

# 坚持严选、精准、原创内容输出 #  行业主要的资讯流量入口

# 可能是业内拥有最完整宣传生态的媒体 #  实现客户投入价值最大化






依马狮传媒于1976年诞生于美国,1995年正式进入中国市场。由《传播与制作》起,又先后创办《InfoAV China》/信息化视听(2003)和《电影中国》(2013),实现了从声像采集、存储、处理、传输、控制,到终端显示和播放的大视听内容资讯全链覆盖


同时,依马狮还出版北京InfoComm China、BIRTV两大顶级展会日报(Show Daily),是InfoComm China、BIRTV、CCBN、isle等众多影响力大展的官方合作媒体。此外,还持续关注和参与ISE、NAB、IBC、InfoComm USA、CES、prolight+sound、GETshow、Cine Asia、上海电影节、北京电影节等国际国内一系列知名展会或活动,具有广泛的行业视角及传播通道。是业内重要的资讯传播和读览入口。










About us:

Started in 1995, a vertical industry full media platform focused on broadcasting, television, and professional audio and video fields

Committed to multi-channel marketing solutions for film, broadcast & entertainment, and pro AV, covering the whole value chain from audio/video acquisition to processing and delivery, and to display and presentation 


With three media platforms of Broadcast & Production China, Cine China, and InfoAV China, IMAS Media(SHENZHEN YIMASHI CONSULTANCY LIMITED) is a leading multichannel marketing solution provider serving the media and entertainment content chain. It provides translation, copy-writing, PR coordination and other marketing services while integrating monthly, websites, WeChat, blogging and other self-media matrix .  Launched in 1995, it has been serving as the media catalyst for the fast growth of Chinese broadcast, film, cable, broadband, professional AV and home entertainment industries.  Its media platforms have been well-recognized as the authoritative information sources for their respective areas.  Its combined circulation exceeds 50,000 and reaches approximately 500,000 professionals in media and entertainment markets.  

IMAS also publishes BIRTV Show Daily and InfoComm China Daily.  It has partnered as official media for many large-scale trade shows such as BIRTV, CCBN, InfoComm China, NAB, IBC, ISE, InfoComm International, ISLE, CE China and so on.  We pay special attention and give dedicated coverage to Shanghai TV and Film Festival, CineAsia, prolight+sound,Education Equipment Expo, Security Expo, GETshow, PALM, Commercial Display Expo, and other specialized major events.